One Piece 867 (HOT)
Dota2 Highlights (HOT)
Fairy Tail 538 (HOT)
Boruto 13 (HOT)
Chapter 867 is titled "Happy Birthday". All in all, I'm not that surprised that carmel was evil. Whenever we first saw carmel, I always had the inclination that she looked like a suspect person who was not dedicated to the ways of religion. There appears to be a difference between these spoilers and the one at bakadata. The one at baka data says that bm eats teh chairs and table out of happiness and also more heavily implies that she ate the kids and carmel. This arch is the arch of twists and desception and explains so much. I feel looking back at this arch even those complaining will love it cause with so many twists the further it goes your perspective widens and you see odas true design. The man said it himself "I don't mind if people complain in the beginning and middle of an arch cause I'm sure by the end I will have created something satisfying". Mother carmel being a bad b*tch from the world government is the best twist that oda has thrown into the fire for quite sometime now! There's always more than it seems on the surface. Very confused based on the initial summary but I suppose its saying that linlin ate carmel and the other children when they got near the semla. Damn, caramel was a child trafficker, messed up, and especially messed up that the world government was actually buying these children as well, showing the evil of this organization and why it should be stopped.


Gotti is an assassin in the Fire Tank Pirates. Gotti is a very large man with spiky light hair on the sides of his head and beard, although the top of his head is bald. He wears a dark vest with a light suit underneath it, with a large cape over it. He has a large metal plate on his left shoulder going down his left side with the same symbol as Vito's tattoos on it. His right forearm has a giant three-barreled machine gun attached onto it, which has a chain on it.

Whether this is an additional attachment or a limb replacement has yet to be confirmed. Gotti is a hotheaded man who acts very violently to people who disrespect his fellow crew members, and his violent rages are difficult for even his crewmates to stop. However, Gotti is deeply afraid of Charlotte Chiffon. When Gotti heard Sanji yell at Vito he became very enraged and attempted to kill Sanji for the disrespectful act, despite Vito telling him to stop. Gotti is shown to fear his captain's wife, Charlotte Chiffon as she was able to stop him from attacking Sanji and capable of dragging him by the ear. Chiffon also berated him as endangering her mother's plans by harming Sanji as it would have lead to fatal consequences for Capone Bege. Despite his immense value to Big Mom (and, by extension, to Gotti's captain Capone), Gotti threatened Sanji when the Straw Hat disrespected Vito. Sanji responded to his anger apathetically, causing Gotti to become even more angry. When Vito entered Sanji's room on the Big Mom Pirates' ship, Sanji told him to get out, and Gotti heard this and became enraged. Vito attempted to stop him as Gotti held his machine gun at Sanji, who responded by telling them both to get out. This enraged Gotti even more, but Charlotte Chiffon entered the room, telling Gotti that severe retributions would be exacted against Bege if anything were to happen to Sanji. Gotti fell to the floor in fear, apologizing profusely. He was later seen with Bege's family and his fellow crewmates as they took a captive Pekoms to an edge of a cliff at the northeastern coast of Whole Cake Island. Gotti watched as his captain shot Pekoms, causing the latter to fall into the shark-infested waters below. Two days later, Gotti was with his crew in Bege's hideout as Bege prepared to meet with Monkey D. Luffy. When the Fire Tank Pirates met with Luffy a few hours later, Gotti attempted to attack Luffy when Luffy tried punching Bege for shooting Pekoms. Gotti is possibly named after John Gotti, a mobster who was the head of the Gambino crime family.

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