One Piece 867 (HOT)
Dota2 Highlights (HOT)
Fairy Tail 538 (HOT)
Boruto 13 (HOT)
Chapter 867 is titled "Happy Birthday". All in all, I'm not that surprised that carmel was evil. Whenever we first saw carmel, I always had the inclination that she looked like a suspect person who was not dedicated to the ways of religion. There appears to be a difference between these spoilers and the one at bakadata. The one at baka data says that bm eats teh chairs and table out of happiness and also more heavily implies that she ate the kids and carmel. This arch is the arch of twists and desception and explains so much. I feel looking back at this arch even those complaining will love it cause with so many twists the further it goes your perspective widens and you see odas true design. The man said it himself "I don't mind if people complain in the beginning and middle of an arch cause I'm sure by the end I will have created something satisfying". Mother carmel being a bad b*tch from the world government is the best twist that oda has thrown into the fire for quite sometime now! There's always more than it seems on the surface. Very confused based on the initial summary but I suppose its saying that linlin ate carmel and the other children when they got near the semla. Damn, caramel was a child trafficker, messed up, and especially messed up that the world government was actually buying these children as well, showing the evil of this organization and why it should be stopped.

Thousand Sunny

The Thousand Sunny is the second ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, built after the Going Merry was destroyed. She is a brig sloop type ship designed and built by Franky with help from Yokozuna, Iceburg, and the remaining Galley-La foremen. Built from Adam Wood, she is a magnificent ship at least double the size of the Going Merry. Her features include practically all of the various requests the Straw Hats had before arriving in Water 7. The Thousand Sunny is a brig sloop, a type of ship that relies on the skills of its navigator. The ship has a lawn on her deck, complete with a swing and a slide, as well as an observation tower for a crow's nest. The huge masts give the ship extreme maneuverability. Like the Going Merry, the figurehead is an animal's head, specifically a lion with a stylized mane. Due to the mane's ambiguity, the lion was mistaken for both a sunflower and a sun during the ship's construction, much to Franky's frustration. The ship holds sixteen cannons: seven traditional cannons on each side of the ship and two specialized air cannons— the Gaon Cannon in the figurehead and the Coup de Burst cannon astern. In Volume 46 of the manga, a complete set of blueprints of the Thousand Sunny was given in the same fashion as the Going Merry's.

The figurehead of the Thousand Sunny is a large lion face with two crossbones behind it in the manner of a Jolly Roger. The mouth of the figurehead can open in order to reveal the Gaon Cannon for frontal attacks, and the lion's mane can rotate like a propeller to move the ship backwards if needed. The Thousand Sunny's helm is located at the front of the ship. Unlike the conventional steering wheels found on traditional sailing ships, the position of the Sunny's steering wheel resembles those found on modern ships. The controls for the Soldier Dock System are located on the steering wheel itself. A knob allows one to choose which compartments to position at the opening on the side of the ship, and a lever situated next to the wheel can then used to open the compartments. A bench is conveniently located near the steering wheel. The Sunny also has a built-in Log Pose, located on a metal pillar of medium height which stands directly behind the ship's helm. The anchors of the Thousand Sunny are positioned at each side of the front of the ship and resemble large lion paws, each with three toes. The ropes used to raise and lower them are stored inside the metal ring positioned behind the figurehead. After the timeskip, Franky installed searchlights in the eyes of the lion figurehead. Recently, the figurehead has shown some anthropomorphic expressions, much like the Going Merry's did. The lion made a dizzy face in the manga when the Straw Hats got caught in a White Strom and, in the anime, a panicked face when they were surrounded by Sea Kings during their descent to Fishman Island. The Thousand Sunny was first conceived by Franky when he was young. Inspired by his mentor Tom's creation, the Oro Jackson, Franky dreamed of making a ship that would sail around the world. This dream, however, was shattered when Tom was taken away, as Franky blamed himself for Tom's arrest and vowed to never build another ship ever again.

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